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Keragaman Flora Di Lahan Reklamasi Pasca Tambang Batubara PT Ba Sumatera Selatan (Flora Diversity at Post-coal Mining Reclamation in the PT Ba South Sumatera)

机译:PT Ba South Sumatra复垦后土地上的植物区系多样性(PT Ba South Sumatra的复垦后采煤场中的植物区系)


The research was conducted in the post-mining land reclamation of PT BA, Tanjung Enim in January to March 2013. The objective of the research was to know the composition and structure of flora in the post-mining reclamated of PT BA, Tanjung Enim. Plots research designed based on the age land reclamatied as follows 20, 15, 10 and 1 year after reclamation is made six square plots as net samplings. Plots sized of tree was 20 m x 20 m, Plot-sized of pole was 10 m x 10 m, plot-sized of sapling was 5 m x 5 me, plot-sized of seedling was 2 m x 2 m, respectively. The results showed that the dominant of flora species in the tree and saplings stage at various ages reclamation was Acacia auriculiformis, in the pole stage was Tectona grandis at the age of 20 year and A. auriculiformis and Eucalyptus deglupta at the age of 15 year, at the saplings plot at the age of 1 year is dominated by Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), respectively. This research showed that some indigenous flora species that found and grown in the coal mined lands was Leban (Vitex pinnata), Keliat (Syzygium spp.), Miyang grass (Oplismenus burmannii) and seduduk (Melastoma sylvaticum). The research inicated that dominated species by A. auriculiformis at variuos of age plots cause decrease indegenous flora. The highest of IVI found in the post-mining reclamation dominated by A. auriculiformis at aged 20, 15 and 10 years after land reclamated.
机译:这项研究是在2013年1月至2013年3月于丹戎Enim PT BA的采矿后土地开垦中进行的。研究的目的是了解丹戎Enim PT BA的采矿后开垦的植物区系组成和结构。根据开垦后20、15、10和1年开垦的土地年龄设计的样地研究,将六个正方形样地作为净采样。树木的地块大小为20 m x 20 m,杆的地块大小为10 m x 10 m,幼树的地块大小为5 m x 5 me,幼苗的地块大小为2 m x 2 m。结果表明,在不同年龄开垦的树木和树苗阶段,植物群种的主要成分是金合欢,在极地阶段是20岁的巨绒毛和15岁的金龟和桉树, 1岁时在树苗上的种群分别由Sengon(Paraserianthes falcataria)主导。这项研究表明,在煤矿开采的土地上发现并生长的一些本土植物物种是黎巴嫩(Vitex pinnata),凯利亚特(Syzygium spp。),密阳草(Oplismenus burmannii)和seduduk(Melastoma sylvaticum)。研究表明,在不同年龄点上,金合欢菌占主导地位的物种会导致本地菌群的减少。在开垦土地后的20、15和10岁时,由金耳菌主导的采矿后开垦中的IVI最高。



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